EP 31 | March 8, 2024
Anthropologist, Professor - Columbia University

As our socio-cultural language keeps evolving, there has been more emphasis on the term 'anti-blackness' as a way to center the Black experience of oppression and erasure. Anti-black sentiments and behaviors have historically been pervasive within a global context when it comes to dissecting colorism. As ever, to understand how anti-blackness shows up today, whether in micro-moments at work, or more explicitly within society, it is important to go back in time to understand the creation and evolution of anti-blackness. Without this understanding, Black leaders will continue being held to a higher, impossible standard, with continued expectations of working twice as hard.
This conversation covers:
- The various ways Anti-Blackness shows up in the lived experiences of our guests
- The violent ways that Anti-Blackness has been used as currency towards being an internalized global practice
- How the lived experience of Anti-Blackness is impacted by the intersection of lived experience and identities that one holds, and how it shows up in unique ways
- the importance of centering the Black experience and what we as a humanity need to let go of
- and much more